The Assasination of Jesse James was directed by Andrew Dominik and follows the life of young Bob Ford (played by Casey Affleck) who has grown up worshiping the legend of famous outlaw Jesse James and his older brother Charley (Sam Rockwell). Bob Ford is introduced to the 34 year old James and the young man longs to prove his mettle to his larger-than-life idol. As he becomes increasingly exposed to the real personna, an inevitable disillusionment takes root.
The Assasination of Jesse James was nominated for two Oscars for Best supporting actor but most noticeably Best Achievement in Cinematography.- The Assasination of Jesse James also won 3 awards for Cinematography at various other events and when watching the film it is easy to see why. The use of camera angles, lighting and mis-en-scene helps to provide visually stimulating images throughout the film, although I found the storyline a little tedious at times my attention was kept by the outstanding visual imagery that was on display.
The Assasination of Jesse James was nominated for two Oscars for Best supporting actor but most noticeably Best Achievement in Cinematography.- The Assasination of Jesse James also won 3 awards for Cinematography at various other events and when watching the film it is easy to see why. The use of camera angles, lighting and mis-en-scene helps to provide visually stimulating images throughout the film, although I found the storyline a little tedious at times my attention was kept by the outstanding visual imagery that was on display.