The Assasination of Jesse James.

The Assasination of Jesse James was directed by Andrew Dominik and follows the life of young Bob Ford (played by Casey Affleck) who has grown up worshiping the legend of famous outlaw Jesse James and his older brother Charley (Sam Rockwell). Bob Ford is introduced to the 34 year old James and the young man longs to prove his mettle to his larger-than-life idol. As he becomes increasingly exposed to the real personna, an inevitable disillusionment takes root.

The Assasination of Jesse James was nominated for two Oscars for Best supporting actor but most noticeably Best Achievement in Cinematography.- The Assasination of Jesse James also won 3 awards for Cinematography at various other events and when watching the film it is easy to see why. The use of camera angles, lighting and mis-en-scene helps to provide visually stimulating images throughout the film, although I found the storyline a little tedious at times my attention was kept by the outstanding visual imagery that was on display.

The Pavement Artist displays the work of design company Frost Design. Founded by Vince Frost, Frost Design now has offices in both Sydney and London. A relatively small company with 30 employees in total, Frost Design describe themselves as 'an interdisciplinary creative studio who work seemlessely across a variety of media for a diverse range of international clients.'

Clever truck design

Julian Opie at Lisson Gallery

Julian Opie is perhaps most famous for his work on the Blur greatest hits album cover, however it can no doubt be argued that Opie is one of the most significant artists of his generation, giving a whole new meaning to visual representation. His up and coming exhibition is due to take place in Lisson Gallery, London and will run from October 15th- November 15th.

 is a website dedicated to displaying visually stimulating computer graphics. Producer Manuel Lima describes as 'a comprehensive repository of complex network visualizations.' Although not all the information provided is relavent to my interests and area of study I have however found a number of inspiring pieces involving the use of typography and original imagery, as well as some interesting communication devices.


The following print is a reproduction of Reebee Garofalo's Genealogy of Pop/Rock Music chart which has been praised by many scholars and fans alike.

The following print on off-white heavy-weight art paper is a nod to the original graphic material produced for Joy Division by Peter Saville.

Communication devices:
One interesting communication device I came across whilst exploring is the Facebook Visualiser.
The 'Visualiser is a tool to graphically explore your facebook social network. You can use it to see how all your contacts are connected to each other, and in the process disclose unknown common friends. Other FOAF (friend-of-a-friend) disclosure would be interesting, but unfortunately, the Facebook API doesn't include this important bit of data.

The tool allows filtering your network by Gender and Relationship Status (single, engaged, etc). You can also choose to see the inner connections of your facebook network and play with the distance between friends.

After adding the facebook visualiser as an application of my ever growing facebook application account I struggle to believe the vast communication possibilities that this relatively new "craze" can offer us. And I thought Myspace was bad... Communication through facebook is so popular now that people needant have any form of face to face communication. Relationship status, who's with who, holiday plans, and online chat. Depressing, yes! Who needs a samsung?.. an Iphone anyone!?


Everybody's talking about Jason Tozer's bubble photographs.The images were shot with the new sony alpha digital cameras. Creative review have since published some behind the scenes footage revealing how the images were created.

Channel Bee is a daily entertainment show anchored by Soccer Am's Tim Lovejoy. The show features comedy sketches, interviews, phone ins and a range of live gigs. Its relaxed atmosphere is created by Lovejoy's informal, friendly chat. It's website set up is based around a central screen which displays Lovejoy's introduction. The opening sequence sees Lovejoy introducing the show and giving a brief update on the days news, he then explains various new gags for the day and an explanation of the days clips. A funny, intelligent program with effective graphics.

A history of intelligent Volkswagen adverts.

Finding Intelligent Volskwagen adverts? Easy. In passed years Volkswagen's made some of the best ads on television.... to be continued.